Anti-Ageing Skincare

Cosmeceutical Solutions for Anti-Ageing

40 products in "Regime - Anti-Ageing Skincare"

How to Select Anti-Ageing Skincare Products

What is skin ageing? 

We all age. It’s something to celebrate rather than freak out about. Especially considering smart skincare choices can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Signs of premature ageing are exacerbated by environmental and lifestyle factors, as well as structural changes such as the thinning of the epidermis over time, the slowing of sebum production and cell turnover, and the skin’s compromised ability to retain moisture. 

What accelerates signs of ageing? 

While ageing itself isn’t reversible, tweaks to skincare and lifestyle choices can help reduce its impact on the skin. UV radiation (aka the sun) is responsible for 80% of facial ageing, linked directly to decreased Collagen production. As Collagen degrades, skin loses its elasticity, resulting in fine links, wrinkles and sagging. Smoking, high-sugar diets, persistent poor sleep, inactive lifestyle and stress also amplify signs of ageing. 

What causes premature skin ageing? 

Ageing is a normal and natural process, especially when it comes to our largest organ, the skin. Like the rest of our body, biological processes slow down as we move through life, eventuating in cellular damage and – in the case of our natural barrier – associated side effects like lines, wrinkles, discolouration and sagging. 

As the largest organ of the body, it makes sense that our skin is prone to visible signs of wear and tear. Our 20s are widely considered to be the peak of skin health (in our adult life, anyway), before a scientific phenomenon known as ‘cellular senescence’ kicks off the ageing process in our 30s.   

Senescence occurs when cellular mutations, ongoing oxidative stress, inflammation, gene mutation and telomere shortening (chromosomal damage) starts taking a toll on skin health, resulting in irreversible damage.   

This process of senescence (or skin ageing) occurs in two ways: intrinsically and extrinsically.  

Intrinsic Ageing   

Intrinsic ageing concerns the biological functions we can't control, like collagen and elastin breakdown, reductions in fat stores, and sluggish cell turnover. This is just a part of getting older, so try not to get too caught up with its impact.  

Extrinsic Ageing   

Extrinsic ageing is influenced by a number of different factors, most of which are lifestyle choices we have some control over: smoking, a high-sugar diet, exposure to pollutants, trauma and most prevalent of all, UV exposure (according to studies, 80 per cent of extrinsic ageing is caused by unprotected exposure to UV radiation).   

The cumulative result of extrinsic ageing will depend on your skin type, but it manifests as coarseness, deep wrinkles, broken capillaries, sallowness, irregular pigmentation and loss of elasticity.   

How to treat premature skin ageing 

Opt for skincare products that are rich in protective antioxidants. Antioxidants neutralise reactive molecules and free radicals responsible for repressing Collagen production. Embrace Peptides, which trigger specific functions (such as Collagen production) to promote firmer, thicker and more elastic skin. Collagen breakdown is similarly inhibited by Retinol, which works on a cellular level to reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin texture.  It does this by strengthening the skin’s protective function through resurfacing and rebuilding of epidermal cells.  

Tips to minimise signs of ageing 

  • Wear SPF50+ everyday, no matter the forecast. Throw on a hat and sunglasses for added protection. Shop our protective products online. 
  • If you’re a smoker, give serious thought to quitting. Mountains of research suggest a smoker’s skin ages much faster than a non-smokers. 
  • Get your heart rate up regularly. Not only does exercise deliver bulk (and well researched) benefits for our mental and physical health, but it also boosts blood circulation and glow of oxygen to the skin while reducing toxins.   

What is best for anti aging skin? 

If you want to ensure a healthy complexion for longer (and who doesn’t?) here are some tips.   

Lifestyle plays a huge role in the ageing process our skin will go through. Our advice is to make sure you eat a balanced diet rich in wholefoods, keep processed sugar to a minimum, avoid smoking and excess alcohol, and keep out of the sun where you can – and wear the damn sunscreen.  Hydration is key when it comes to treating ageing skin. Shop our hydrating products for their moisturising, plumping and repairing properties. 

How to double cleanse your skin 

Cleansing is essential for skin health as it removes dirt, debris and environmental pollutants. We recommend double cleansing your face every single night: not only does this purify the pores, it ensures treatment serums can get in to do their job. We love L-Lactic Cleanser because it’s enriched with Alpha-Hydroxy Acids to gently refine, resurface and rehydrate.   

Facial sunscreen  

Protecting your skin is one of the smartest things you can do to slow down the signs of extrinsic cellular ageing. Daily sunscreen is a no-brainer, but you need to reapply it to your skin frequently, especially if you’re sweating or swimming.   

Antioxidants are another proven way to prevent free-radical damage and the associated cellular damage that occurs every time we step outside. We love L-Ascorbic Acid as it neutralises these free radicals and encourages collagen production. Try sprinkling a little Vitamin C 100% powder into your moisturiser daily.   

Facial treatments at home (with Serums & Peptides) 

It’s possible to improve skin function with targeted serums and scientifically backed ingredients. Retinol, for example, is a top choice for speeding up cellular turnover as it works to constantly replace damaged cells with fresh ones.   

Peptides are another noteworthy ingredient as they encourage collagen and elastin production, which help reduce wrinkle depth, and we love Niacinamide (or Vitamin B3) as it unifies tone, while encouraging optimal barrier health.   


Retinol Serum  

Expert Reveal Retinol Face Oil  

Expert Reset Skin Firming Peptide Serum  

Expert Revive Smoothing Eye Treatment   

An Inside-Out Approach